It’s getting better all the time!

Over the past year, in2Action has engaged in a relationship with the Missouri Coalition of Recovery Support Providers (MCRSP) and the Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH). I would like to begin by stating I am so grateful for any and every resource we have in our community that helps and supports people recently released from prison and those seeking recovery from substance use disorders. We need you all plus more! That said, I am also grateful the DMH has moved to a model in which it only funds transitional housing programs that meet the national standards of the National Association of Recovery Residences (NARR).
In2Action is currently the only MCRSP/DMH certified transitional housing program in the Columbia/Boone County area. And in2Action is better because of this partnership. The application process and site inspections ensure we are held to the highest standards regarding the administration of our program, our recovery support services, and the safety, cleanliness, and functionality of our houses.
Because of these efforts, in2Action is excited to announce we are now ready to open our DMH certified clinical outpatient treatment facility. We are excited because we often receive calls from people who want our services, but they do not need housing. Until now we have not had the capacity to serve people who were not also enrolled in our transitional housing program. Our outpatient facility will provide an additional choice for people returning to our community from prison seeking treatment and transition services and we are excited!
I would also like to add, while I have not historically had the best experiences with state government, I have found each and every person I have worked with at both MCRSP and DMH to go above and beyond time and again to help in2Action help those we serve. Thanks to both!
Please keep us in your prayers and be watching for our outpatient Grand Opening!