Hello, my name is Preston and I’m a drug addict in recovery. I came to in2Action on September 12, 2018, from Phoenix Treatment Center. Five months later, I completed the in2Action program and moved out on February 10, 2019. I had been told about in2Action by a few people who were already part of the program and was told it was a good place to be. So I reached out to Dan before I was to be released from treatment. A few days later, Dan came to see me. He interviewed me, and that same day I was accepted into the program.

I was told that I would learn about God, and they were right. My experience at in2Action was a good one. My stay there taught me about myself and how to think of others and how to be a man of my word. And mostly about patience. What I mean is, it took me a while to get a job. So while I continued to participate in the required ‘skill drills’ (life skills training classes), I watched others get jobs and move on with their lives. This was frustrating for me. But it taught me patience, and it paid off big time. And I eventually got a great job!

In2Action has helped me in so many ways, and one that stands out the most is my reconnection with God. I have joined a church at Liberty Baptist, here in Columbia. I also attend Celebrate Recovery there. And I cannot leave out that I have now moved back home to live with my family, and I am so thankful for that – to be trusted again means a great deal to me.

So all in all, my stay at in2Action has given me my life back. I now go to meetings daily, and church every Sunday.

And, I have to say a special thanks to Dan Hanneken!

Yours Truly,
