Connections to Success is a great resource for anybody who has a background or work history that might raise eyebrows for a potential employer. Many of us feel intimidated by the prospect of interviewing and answering difficult questions from future employers. Connections to Success not only helps you handle these situations that so many of us absolutely dread facing, they give you real world scenarios. They bring in real employers from the community to sit down with you to do mock interviews. I know for some this sounds like a panic attack in the making, but trust me, afterwards your confidence in rejoining the workforce will be so much more than you thought possible. You’ll actually be glad you moved just ever so slightly out of your comfort zone and did it.

This isn’t the only aspect of this class. Some of us have really been kicked around by life. Because of our addictions and living situations, we’ve let people treat and talk to us in ways that, prior to our addictions, we never thought were possible. We’ve been beaten down by words and self-assessments like “you’re not good enough”, “you don’t deserve happiness”, “you’ll never amount to anything” and one of my personal favorites, “you’ll always be this way”. The negative things we’ve told ourselves and believed have completely destroyed our self-confidence, self-worth and self-respect. Connections to Success understands this, and they emphasize that we, as recovering addicts, are so much more than the dirty things we’ve done. We don’t have to continue abusing substances as a coping mechanism to deal with our problems. Positive affirmations and actually setting S.M.A.R.T goals will help you so much more than you realize.

If you’re thinking, “Is this all?” No, not even close. I don’t think “class” is the appropriate label for Connections to Success. I think “opportunity” is a better description. So, this opportunity also shows you the intricacies of relationship building. We all have different backgrounds and perspectives on life and the way we view the world. These differences are going to shape and determine who we are and how we build and maintain relationships. Connections to Success gives you an opportunity to explore different personality types and communication techniques so that you can express yourself most effectively. These are the basic fundamentals of any relationship. The exercises that you’ll work on really do a great job and actually get you to stop and think. I believe we so often get caught up on the end result that we forget about all the little steps we need to take to actually get there. Communication is so important; I can’t stress it enough. Without the support network we’re building, we are probably destined for failure. Without effective communication, we’re not going to build that network that’s so vital to our recovery. And without our recovery, it’s always the same…jails, institutions and death.

Ok, one last thing and I’m done, alright? As addicts, over time we’ve got into the habit of setting the bar pretty low for ourselves. We lose our drive and ambition for anything other than drugs and/or money. Even after we start to get into our recovery, I think we just try to do what’s safe. We don’t want to take a chance or risk too much. Even if you think you’re reaching as far as you can, Connections to Success is going to give you the opportunity to see that you’re capable of achieving so much more. Move out of your comfort zone a little, it’s the only way you can actually grow. Think outside the box some. We’ve lost so much time in this precious gift of life we’ve been given; we don’t have any more time to waste. Remember: A wise man seeks counsel, and foolish is the man who doesn’t take into account words from the wise.

Thank you for reading this and I hope you will get as much out of the Connections to Success opportunity as I did.
