What makes for an interesting weekend, how about a float trip with a group of guys in recovery from substance use disorders who have begun reintegrating into society after being recently released from prison? The in2Action guys did exactly that on a warm weekend this past August.

Early on a Saturday morning, a group of men climbed into the two in2Action vans and set out on a drive south to the heart of Ozark Country – our destination, the Current River. There were excitement and anticipation at what awaited us upon our arrival. Our newest in2Action resident had not been out of prison for 24 hours and only one day before, he had been living among the other forgotten members of our culture within a realm of concrete and steel, surrounded by fences topped with razor wire. On this day he is free and enjoying the beauty and bounty of God’s wonderful creation to its fullest. It seems nearly overwhelming to him. A number of the other guys have never paddled a canoe, let alone ventured to float one down an Ozark Mountain stream.

As we arrived at the Pulltite Campground where we would be tent camping following our float down the river, we parked, stepped out of the vans, and stretched our bodies after the 3-hour journey. Our float would begin nearly immediately, and there was an element of apprehension among some in the group. We climbed on a bus provided by the campground that would take us to the put-in point on the beautiful Current. A half an hour later we stood looking at a line of canoes on the edge the crystal-clear stream. The guys had paired up in advance of the float, and we climbed into our respective canoes and began paddling downstream. This section of the Current River was not overly technical and was crowded with other floaters enjoying the great outdoors. The in2Action guys began to develop the basic skills needed to float a river upright in a canoe. It was rather amazing and very gratifying to watch them learn as we moved farther down the river. Other than a few minor spills, the float went off without a hitch and everyone survived! It was an awesome day. God’s grandeur in His creation was so clearly seen that it brought to mind that we are without excuse for not recognizing Him because of what He has created for us to enjoy. His invisible qualities, His eternal power, and divine nature were so evident.

After a 6-hour float, we rounded a bend and finally saw the campground. Tired, sunburnt, and a bit waterlogged, we dragged our canoes onto the gravel bar, took stock of the few wet possessions each of us had brought with us on the float, and climbed back into the vans to drive to our campsite. We all began to regale each other with aspects of the float, “did you see John and Donny as they dumped going around that bend with the big fallen tree sticking out in the middle of the river?!” Then everyone would hoot, holler and grin ear to ear, even John and Donny!

We set up our tents on a beautiful group campsite at the very end of the campground. It was secluded and had a shower room which was only a couple of hundred feet away. After getting cleaned up and starting a blazing campfire, we sat enjoying each other’s company and praising God for His goodness. Jesse took it on himself to be the camp cook. He did a great job on the burgers and dogs. Food always tastes better when cooked over a campfire and eaten outdoors. After a long day of excitement and exercise, most of the men went to sleep early. When we awoke the next morning, we all looked at one another with a bit of wistfulness knowing that we would soon be packing for our return drive home.

So many of the guys have never had the opportunity to truly enjoy what the world has to offer, and others have attempted to enjoy these wonders while in the middle of active chemical addiction. It’s times like the float trip which begins to open closed eyes to the life that’s available. Building meaningful relationships and developing a host of memories which say that life can be worth living and that there are many good things that God has created for our enjoyment, is what the guys take away from float trips and the many other adventures that in2Action offers its residents.