I’m Kelly and have been volunteering at in2Action for the past 4 years. My brother David recruited my family and me to help with the annual Christmas party and we have been hooked ever since that first celebration.

The first thing I noticed with being a part of this event is the hard-working in2Action staff. Their care and dedication to the residents of the program are touching. It is obvious that the program is built around relationships developed through trust and responsibility. It is a joy to work side by side with the residents. One of my favorite moments was watching 10 men decorate tables that included candles, flowers, lanterns, wood slabs, pinecones, snow dust, fancy fabric, and bows! I walked out of the room, with the place not decorated, which felt like about 10 minutes, and when I came back in the whole banquet hall was decorated in beautiful detail with these Christmas centerpieces!! It took my breath away and they just all smiled great big at me when I was like, “what??!!” There are so many great memories with these special guys! You can see that they are in the process of “overcoming.” It is obvious that the in2Action core value is putting your trust in Christ who is the ultimate example and help in overcoming.

My family and I are ever grateful that in2Action has allowed us into their hearts. Spending the culmination of each year with in2Action and celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior is the highlight of my family’s December. Thank you so much!