Hi, I’m Patrick,
I was introduced to the organization a little less than a year ago through work. One of the primary reasons why I was initially drawn to in2Action is their belief that forming personal relationships are crucial to giving local men an avenue to successfully get back on the right track. Despite the short amount of time I’ve been involved with in2Action, it has helped reinforce the idea that every one of the guys that take part in the in2Action program deserves a fair and genuine chance at reentry into civilian life. Also, in that time, I feel like I’ve had the opportunity to meet and get to know a genuine success story for in2Action. I am proud to call him a friend and one that I probably would not have met had I never gotten involved at in2Action.

My work so far with in2Action has been trying to use my math background to help the guys complete coursework in the same area. In particular, I have been helping one of the guys earn his bachelor’s degree. Some of that coursework required college-level math and statistics classes. One of the coolest experiences has been seeing the growth of confidence, knowledge, and just plain pleasure-to-be-around-edness throughout the time we have worked together. As of the writing of this, he is slated to graduate with his bachelor’s degree in two days! I cannot express how proud I am to have been a part of his journey and I hope to be able to be a part of other journeys through in2Action.