Volunteering at in2Action is very enjoyable and fulfilling, and the relationships I’ve built with the men over the years have been a true blessing to me.

I’ve been with in2Action for several years now, and believe in Dan’s mission of helping people who are released from prison stay out of prison by giving them hope for a better future and teaching them new skills and new ways to live.

One of my roles at in2Action is to teach Money Skills. It seems that regardless of where we come from, many of us were never taught how to wisely handle money. In class, we discuss topics that include differentiating between wants and needs, the necessity of a savings plan, creating and maintaining a spending plan, managing cash with the envelope system, and preparing for employment.

But life is not all about money. When we look at saving money, we can easily see on a spreadsheet that by just “putting a little away” each day, we can build wealth over time. The same is true for the other areas of our life. What if we “put away” a little each day towards our spiritual life, relationships, serving, health, education, career, and family? Wouldn’t that build wealth in each of those areas too? Just as we need a plan for our money, we need a plan for our lives. As we discuss this in class, it’s rewarding to see what insights the men have and what great ideas they come up with for improved health and wellness in all areas of life.

Spending time with these men who are in the process of transforming their lives is truly a gift. I learn from them each time we get together. As has been said by others many times, I’m sure I get more out of this than they do.
